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          One Stop Hop Party Rentals is a family-owned business established in 2017 specializing in all your party rentals

          Our dedication to exceptional customer service, innovation, and a diverse inventory has gained us rave reviews, referrals, and a loyal clientele. We serve a broad and diverse range of clientele, covering the NYC, Westchester, Hamptons, NJ, CT & PA areas…

        • Custom Rentals Request


Identity of Parties: “ One Stop Hop Party Rentals ” shall mean One Stop Hop Party Rentals, its owners and employees, and “Customer” shall mean the person(s), company and owner of the property listed in the “rented to” box on the invoice page of this Rental Agreement, as well as the person signing the Rental Agreement (if different), and their agents and/or employees.

1. SITE PREPARATION: Customer agrees to have site cleaned and ready for delivery and installation or dismantled for pickup of the equipment, and also agrees to pay any additional charges for any delay incurred along with any labor charges resulting in customer’s failure to do so.

2. SAFETY OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: By entering into this Agreement, Customer acknowledges that there is a risk of injury or damage arising out of the use of this equipment. Customer voluntarily agrees to keep and maintain all safety rules for the correct, safe operation and installation and use of all equipment, and to assume any and all risk of injury or damage. In particular, Customer will not permit the equipment to be operated by anyone who is not fully qualified and trained on the equipment use by One Stop Hop Party Rentals, and who has not received instruction from Customer on the safe operation and use of the equipment, nor shall Customer allow any person to use or operate the equipment when it is in need of repair or when it is in an unsafe condition.

The following rules and warnings must be obeyed in the use of inflatable equipment (Please note fee’s below in Section C applicable to all supplies from One Stop Hop Party Rentals):

  1. A. SUPERVISION: ADULT SUPERVISION IS ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED WHEN PARTICIPANTS ARE IN THE INFLATABLE. AS THE CUSTOMER OF THE UNIT, THE SAFETY OF ALL PARTICIPANTS SHALL BE THE CUSTOMER’S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY. As the adult supervisor, you should position yourself in close proximity of the entrance to the inflatable and be prepared to assist riders when they enter/exit the ride. If the inflatable has a slide included with a bounce area (Combo), adult supervision is required at the end of each slide as well as the entrance and exit to the bounce area. Do not remove the inflatable from the area where it was installed. If the inflatable unit moves, safely pull it by one of its’ corners back to its original location of installation. No alteration in or attachments to the inflatable unit are allowed, period. No paint, glitter, confetti, food, drinks, shoes, or sharp objects permitted.
  2. B. GENERAL MISUSE: Do not allow anyone to bounce on the front safety step, as this is dangerous, and can damage the inflatable! If your rental is equipped with a slide, go down the slide FEET FIRST ONLY, one rider at a time; NO CLIMBING up the slide the wrong way, NOR JUMPING onto the slide area. Do not allow the inflatable rub up against any surface. Unless previously authorized by One Stop Hop Party Rentals Inflatable Rentals, never place a water hose or water in general onto the inflatable. If the inflatable should become wet, have an adult wipe down unit before riders return. No barbeques near inflatable.
  3. C. NO SILLY STRING, GUM, CANDY, DRINKS, FOOD, CIGARETTES, CONFETTI, FACE PAINT, STREAMERS, or any other substances are allowed inside or near the inflatable unit. It is the Customer’s responsibility to keep the Unit clean and free from any type of debris. Customer acknowledges, if the inflatable is damaged by ONESTOPHOPRENTALS@GMAIL.COM (848) 999-4928 “Silly String”, a full replacement fee shall be automatically imposed by One Stop Hop Party Rentals and shall be immediately due and payable by Customer. If upon pick-up of the unit, cleaning is necessary due to the presence of such substances, a $150.00 – $350.00 cleaning fee will be imposed, and shall be immediately due and payable by Customer. Negligence and damage to unit could result in a $500.00-$3000.00 Repair Fee.  If unit is not repairable, a fee of $3500.00 could result. *** Cleaning and Repair Fees due to damage are also applicable for all other One Stop Hop Party Rental supplies.
  4. D. NO SOMERSAULTS/DIVINGD/FLIPPING/WRESTLING/PILING/ROUGH PLAY: Such activity may result in neck and back injuries to riders.
  5. E. NO SHOES/GLASSES/JEWELRY/ANY SHARP OBJECTS: All riders MUST REMOVE SHOES, GLASSES, AND ALL LOOSE JEWELRY before playing in the inflatable. No pets, toys or sharp instruments on the inflatable or any other equipment at anytime.
  6. F. AGE GROUPS: For Safety reasons, no children under the age of 2 are permitted in the inflatable unit. Only compatible age groups and sizes shall play on the inflatable at the same time. Maximum of one (1) person at a time going down the inflatable slide (if applicable). Guidelines will vary based upon the size of the inflatable, and will be provided at the time of Rental/Consultation.
    Always ensure that the Inflatable is not overcrowded, and limit numbers according to the age and size of children using it. Try to avoid large and small children from using it at the same time.
  7. G. PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS: Pregnant women, individuals with pre-existing injuries, and others susceptible to injury from falls, bumps or bouncing are not permitted in or on the inflatable unit at any time. One Stop Hop Party Rentals will not be liable for any injuries sustained.
  8. H. DEFLATION: Should the unit begin to deflate, do the following: Exit immediately if the unit begins to lose air. Should the unit begin to deflate, do the following: First, if the motor has stopped, make sure that it has not been unplugged. If the motor is still running, check the air intake on the side of the motor for blockage, and check both blower tubes on the inflatable unit to make sure that they are tightly tied off.

3. INCLEMENT WEATHER DURING CUSTOMERS OUTDOORS USAGE RENTAL PERIOD: Once there is a threat of inclement weather, including strong winds (at or in excess of 20 mph), thunderstorms (especially when lightening is present), or severe cold weather (below 40 degrees), children should immediately exit the inflatable. The blower should thereafter be switched off and removed, and the unit allowed deflating. Customer is responsible for protecting the rented items from weather damage, or breakage, while in customer’s possession, not inclusive to inflatables. Tents are not commercial-grade and therefore do not protect against heavy rain, and high winds. It is at our discretion to not deliver on tents if winds/rain is determined to be heavy..

4. GENERAL RELEASE/INDEMNITY/HOLD HARMLESS: Customer understands and acknowledges that play on an inflatable unit entails both known and unknown risks including, but not limited to, physical injury from falling, slipping, crashing or colliding, emotional injury, paralysis, distress, damage or death to any participant. Customer expressly releases, indemnifies, forever discharges and holds harmless One Stop Hop Party Rentals from any and all liability, ONESTOPHOPRENTALS@GMAIL.COM(848) 999-4928 claims, demands, causes or rights of action whether personal to Customer or to a third party, which are in any way connected with participation in this activity, including those allegedly attributable to negligent acts or omissions. Should One Stop Hop Party Rentals or anyone acting on behalf of One Stop Hop Party Rentals be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, Customer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold One Stop Hop Party Rentals harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event, the undersigned, or any of their participants file a lawsuit against I acknowledge that I have adequate homeowner’s insurance, tenant insurance, and / or other liability insurance to cover any bodily injury or property damage, which might occur to my guests, my invitees, or me from the rental and use of the aforementioned inflatable / equipment.

One Stop Hop Party Rentals, it is agreed to do business solely in New Jersey, New York City (5 Boroughs), Long Island, & Westchester. In consideration of being permitted by One Stop Hop Party Rentals to use its equipment and facilities, the Customer and it participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless One Stop Hop Party Rentals from any and all claims which are brought by the Customer and/or their participants and which are in any way connected with such use or participation. A set of Rules and Direction are either displayed on the bounce house/unit(s) or have been provided to the Customer which Customer agrees to follow and utilize at all times during operation and use of the unit(s).

5. EQUIPMENT, RENTAL, PAYMENT AND TERM OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: Customer rents from One Stop Hop Party Rentals certain equipment described on the invoice page of this Agreement. The rental fee set forth is payable, in full, 72 hours in advance from the day of your event delivery date, and the rental term shall be that listed on the invoice page of this Agreement, but all of Customer’s obligations arising under the terms and conditions of this Rental Agreement shall run from actual delivery of the Rental Equipment to the actual pick up of the Rental Equipment by One Stop Hop Party Rentals. Bookings with final payment not received within outlined timeframe, are subject to cancellation. If the Equipment is delivered by One Stop Hop Party Rentals and accepted by Customer, then Customer shall not be entitled to any refund whatsoever if Customer elects not to use the Equipment due to weather or other causes.

6. DEPOSIT & FINAL PAYMENT: Renter shall pay a 25% deposit at the time of reservation, unless otherwise discussed with a One Stop Hop Party Rentals employee. Final payment is due no later than 7 days prior to the event delivery date, unless otherwise discussed with a One Stop Hop Party Rentals employee. If your reservation takes place within seven (7) days of the event, full payment is due at the time of booking, unless otherwise discussed with a One Stop Hop Party Rentals employee. One Stop Hop reserves the right to cancel all bookings for payments not received by outlined timeframe, employee mistreatment or for any reason at their discretion creating a negative impact on the businesses practices. One Stop Hop Party Rentals does not permit the amendments of rentals within 10 days of event date. Exceptions to amendments of rentals within 10 days of event date are solely made on the discretion of status of rentals preparation status, demand of rental item, and/or amended rental being replaced by rentals of equal or higher rental value of original rental being amended.

7. CANCELLATION POLICY: For outdoor event cancellations due to weather, please refer to number nine (9) below. For all indoor events, cancellations that take place within 72 hours of the date of event are subject to a cancellation fee equal to $150 or 50% of your total rental invoice, whichever is greater. For all indoor events, cancellations that take place within 10 days of the date of event are subject to a cancellation fee equal to $100.00, or $25% of your total rental invoice, whichever is greater. The same policy applies for all outdoors event cancellations that are not weather related (as outlined in number nine (9) below). For luxe bounce house rentals, deposit is non-refundable but may be used toward a future event or rescheduled. Customer is to contact One Stop Hop Party Rentals, for rescheduling options under unforeseen circumstances requiring an unforeseen last minute cancellation. Rentals cancelled within 7 days of event delivery date are subject to a nonrefundable and nontransferable 25% of rental cost fee. One Stop Hop Party Rentals does not permit the amendments of rentals within 10 days of event date. Exceptions to amendments of rentals within 10 days of event date are solely made on the discretion of status of rentals preparation status, demand of rental item, and/or amended rental being replaced by rentals of equal or higher rental value than original rental being amended.

8. RETURNED CHECK POLICY: In the event that a check is returned to One Stop Hop Party Rentals for insufficient funds customer agrees to pay the total rental price as well as an additional $45.00 fee to One Stop Hop Party Rentals in cash immediately upon notice.

9. WEATHER: One Stop Hop Party Rentals cannot guarantee weather conditions; some examples of severe weather are high winds, excessive rain, snow, and lightening. In the event of severe weather during a rental, customer agrees that he /she/they will unplug the inflatable, allow it to deflate, and not use the inflatable until the severe weather ends. One Stop Hop Party Rentals reserves the right to cancel your reservations and give you a refund (excluding deposit) of any funds paid to us, or work with you to reschedule your rental at no additional charge. In this circumstance, the non-refundable deposit can be used toward a future event. If conditions are not too severe, you will have the option of keeping or canceling your reservations up to 48 hours prior to the event date – it is the clients responsibility to communicate with One Stop Hop Party Rentals should the need for cancellation take place due to weather conditions. Please note, weather conditions are only applicable to outdoor events. If you decide to keep the reservation after the 48 hour window outlined above, there will be no refunds, discounts, or rain checks.

10. DELIVERY & PICKUP: One Stop Hop Party Rentals shall deliver the Rental Equipment to the location listed on the invoice page of the Agreement. Customer grants to One Stop Hop Party Rentals true right to enter the property for delivery, and required set up, if any, and for subsequent pick up of the Rental Equipment and any associated equipment or packing materials at the approximately specified times. Customer shall clean and repackage (if applicable), the rented items. Specifics on delivery & pickup may vary by rental, and will be determined at least three (3) days prior to the date of your event.

11. RECEIPT/INSPECTION OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT: Customer accepts the Rental Equipment on an “As Is” basis. Customer acknowledges receipt of all items listed on the Invoice, has inspected the installation of the rental equipment prior to its use, has read the operating/safety instructions prior to use, and is satisfied that equipment is in good working order.

12. POSSESSION/TITLE: In the event that the Equipment is not returned for any reason, including theft, the Customer is obligated to pay to One Stop Hop Party Rentals the full replacement value for such Equipment listed on the invoice page of this Agreement, plus any and all incidental costs associated with the attempted pick up or recovery of the Equipment by One Stop Hop Party Rentals. Title to the rental items is and shall remain in One Stop Hop Party Rentals. Customer agrees to keep the Rental Equipment in his/her/their custody and control from the time of One Stop Hop Party Rentals delivery of the items, until One Stop Hop Party Rentals picks up such items.

13. CARE OF THE RENTAL EQUIPMENT: Customer shall be liable to One Stop Hop Party Rentals for any and all damages, which are not “ordinary wear and tear” in an amount equal to the replacement value of the rental equipment. Damage which is not “ordinary wear and tear” includes, but is not limited to, cutting or tearing of vinyl or netting, damage due to overturning, overloading, exceeding rated capacities, breakage, improper use, abuse, lack of cleaning, contamination of or dirtying of rental equipment with non- approved items such as chemicals, non approved food, paint, silly string mud, clay, or other materials.

14. EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS: Should any equipment develop a problem, or does not function correctly at anytime, or Customer does not understand the operating Instructions, Customer agrees to immediately cease use of that equipment and call us at (848) 999-4928.

15. NO WARRANTY: One Stop Hop Party Rentals makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular use or purpose, either express or implied. There is no warranty or representation that the rental equipment is fit for Customer’s particular intended use, or that it is free of latent defects. One Stop Hop Party Rentals shall not be responsible to Customer or to any third party for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from, or in anyway attributable to the operation of, Installation of, use of, or any failure of the rental equipment. One Stop Hop Party Rentals shall not be responsible for any defect or failure unknown to One Stop Hop Party Rentals at the time of delivery.

16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Customer agrees not to use or allow anyone to use the rental equipment for any illegal purpose or in any illegal manner or in an unsafe manner. Customer agrees at his/her/their sole cost and expense to comply with all municipal, parish, state, federal or other governmental or quasi- governmental laws, ordinances and/or regulations which may apply to the use of the rental equipment during the rental period. Customer further agrees to pay all licenses, fines, fees, permits, or taxes arising from Customer’s use of the rental equipment, including any subsequently determined to be due. Customer is solely responsible for obtaining any all permits and/or licenses from the appropriate government agencies prior to use.

17. LEGAL FEES: In the event that an attorney is retained to enforce any provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs in such action or proceeding, in an amount to be determined by the court or arbitrator.

18. SEVERABILITY: If any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement are found to be unenforceable, illegal or unconscionable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such item shall be stricken from this Agreement, and the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement shall stay in full force and effect.

19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the full agreement between One Stop Hop Party Rentals and Customer. Any prior agreements, whether written or oral, promises, negotiations or representations not expressly set forth herein shall be of no force or effect. By electronically ‘accepting’ the terms at the time of checkout, the client is acknowledging agreement with the outlined terms

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